Ark Governor Application Form

About You

Address details

Contact details

Previous Name details

Other details

Tell us about yourself. This will be used on the academy’s website in the event of your appointment. Please write in third person and include brief summary of professional experience, any personal engagement with school and motivation for being a governor. 
Children at ARK School
Education Skills
Education Skills: Please complete this section with reference to your expertise and knowledge in relation to the Education sector, rather than your personal level of education – i.e. selecting ‘Yes’ for Further Education would indicate that you have expertise and knowledge of the Further Education sector, rather than having personally completed Further Education courses
Governance Skills
Management Skills
Operations Skills
Marketing Skills
Community Skills
About being a Governor
Sharing information with trusted partners
We work with trusted partner organisations to identify and place suitable governors. We may share your name and governor application (but never personal details) with these partners from time to time in order to improve our service to schools.